Friday, 28 March 2008

Add Users to an AD group from a CSV file

So I had a text file containing data in the following format:

basically Novell usernames.

These accounts have equivalent usernames in Active Directory in the format




ie. everything after the first dot is removed.

The task is to open up the text file, convert the Novell usernames to the AD format and then add each user to a group. With a bit of help from a post of Richard Siddaway's (!43CFA46A74CF3E96!822.entry) the below script does the job.

(As usual the Quest AD cmdlets are required)

# Open the text file, split out each username at the first '.' and keep the first part of each split.
$users = Get-Content C:\Scripts\UserList.csv | %{$_.split(".")[0]}

# For each username get the user's AD DN and add the user to the specified group.
foreach ($a in $users)
Get-QADUser -Identity $a | Add-QADGroupMember -Identity 'domainname\groupname'

Monday, 24 March 2008

ADMT and Windows Server 2008

Need to migrate from 2003 to 2008 using ADMT 3.0? Looks like you might be able to do it before the 3.1 release which supports 2008. Some great info here:

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

VMware Powershell Cmdlets

These are going to be seriously useful.......

I've been trying them out with some basic Get-VM commands and it is so easy to get info out of your VM infrastructure.

Friday, 14 March 2008

Friday, 7 March 2008

Find Last Logon Date

This script will find the last logon date for a supplied user on each DC in your domain and output to a text file. You can then pull the text file say into Excel and sort on the date column to find when the user last logged in.

(You need the Quest AD cmdlets to run this one)

$DomainControllers = Get-QADComputer -computerrole domainController

foreach ($DC in $DomainControllers)

$a = Get-QADUser -Service $ 'domain\user'
$ +" " +$a.lastlogon | Out-File -Append C:\Scripts\LastLogon.txt