Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Get-Scripting Podcast Episode 27 - (The One Where They Catch Up and Share Loads of PowerShell Tips and Tricks)

This is Episode 27 of the Get-Scripting podcast. Tune in to listen to us talk and interview people about PowerShell.

Download it here, subscribe in iTunes or via a different feed reader.



PowerCLI @ VMworld

PowerCLIMan - The Return

Alan on PowerScripting


HP WMI Provider

Simple Talk - How to add a GUI front end to your PowerShell scripts

What's New In PowerCLI 5.0 at the UK PowerShell User Group

PowerShell V3 Blog Series

PowerShell News:

PowerShell V3 Preview Out as part of Win8 Developer Preview

2012 Deep Dive Conference Announced for San Diego

PowerShell Resources:

Distributed Switch Cmdlets available as a fling

PowerShell scripts to leverage UBERalign for virtual disk alignment

Get-FriendlyUnits from @lucd22

Jeffrey Snover has a blog

Cmdlet of the day podcast

Powershell Tips:

Copy-Item With Alternate Credentials

Netstat for ESXi

Splitting a string with the split operator containing a ".", e.g.

$EscapeTest = [Regex]::Escape("")

Also [URI]""

How to create a PSCredential object

PowerShell Gotcha

'Set-Service -Status Stopped' fails with "Cannot stop service 'servicename' because it is dependent on other services‏

Catching WMI Query Errors with Try / Catch

- Workaround: You can make non-terminating errors get thrown by using: - -ErrorAction "Stop"


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get [dash] scripting [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk

or leave a comment here on the blog

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Thursday, 4 August 2011

Get-Scripting Podcast Episode 25 - Kirk Munro and PowerGUI 3.0

This is Episode 25 of the Get-Scripting podcast. Tune in to listen to us talk and interview people about PowerShell.

Download it here, subscribe in iTunes or via a different feed reader.



vSphere 5 Launch

vRAM License Script

VMworld Sessions


vExpert 2011

London VMUG Presentation

ESXi upgrade to 4.1 including Dell Agent


LinkKirk Munro - Blog

PowerGUI 3.0 - Download

Statement from Kirk about leaving Quest

PowerGUI Pro and PowerGUI are fantastic products with a great team, and the guys still working on the product deserve all the praise and attention they can get. I still want the recording to be available so that it can help that product grow and prosper, giving back to those guys the support (and hopefully more revenue to help pay for their mortgages) that they so deserve.

For the listeners of this podcast, if you are in need of someone with my skills, either as a Product Manager, a PowerShell MVP, an expert in Windows management (with a strong focus on Active Directory and Exchange although I’ve also gotten deeply involved in virtualization with Hyper-V and VMware as well), a social media/community site manager, or as a freelance writer, my schedule has all of a sudden become much less busy and I’m interested in filling up that time with new work once I come back from vacation, so please get in touch, either through or through comments on my blog post about my departure from Quest (

PowerShell News:

Kindle Version of the PowerCLI book available

European PowerShell Deep Dive Conference - Mon 17th - Tue 18th Oct in Frankfurt

PowerShell Resources:

Using the Cisco UCSM Toolkit with the Cisco UCS Emulator


Powershell Tips:

Automatically elevate a PowerShell script

Download the podcast with PowerShell
$iTunes = New-Object -ComObject iTunes.Application


Send us feedback at

get [dash] scripting [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk

or leave a comment here on the blog

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Extensive list of Powershell Twitterers

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Get-Scripting Podcast Episode 24 - Jonathan Noble

This is Episode 24 of the Get-Scripting podcast. Tune in to listen to us talk and interview people about PowerShell.

Download it here, subscribe in iTunes or via a different feed reader.



PowerShell Deep Dive - Alan and Luc's fans

HA and DRS Audit Script

Primal Forms 2011


UK PowerShell User Group - Modules

vSoup Podcast


Jonathan Noble - Blog


PowerShell Resources:

Ten tips for better PowerShell Functions

Brownbag - PowerCLI 101

NetApp PowerPack

PowerShell News:

PowerShell Available to License

Powershell Tips:

Determine the number of users on Exchange 2010 CAS server

PowerShell Requires

Get-WorldTime Function

PowerShell Gotcha

Problems with PowerShell Comment Based Help


Send us feedback at

get [dash] scripting [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk

or leave a comment here on the blog

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Get-Scripting Facebook Group

Extensive list of Powershell Twitterers

Friday, 8 April 2011

Get-Scripting Podcast Episode 23 - (PowerCLI Book Special)

This is Episode 23 of the Get-Scripting podcast. Tune in to listen to us talk and interview people about PowerShell.

Download it here, subscribe in iTunes or via a different feed reader.



EMC PowerShell Cmdlets

Enabling/Disabling VAAI with PowerCLI



PowerCLI Book authors:

Luc Dekens - Blog

Arnim Van Lieshou
t - Blog

Glenn Sizemore - Blog

PowerCLI Book Website

PowerShell Resources:

Scripting Guys Webcasts x 5 - Learn PowerShell before its an Emergency!

PowerCLI Training from TrainSignal - Hal Rottenberg

PowerShell News:

Scripting Games - April 4 - 15th

- All links on one page


Send us feedback at

get [dash] scripting [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk

or leave a comment here on the blog

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Get-Scripting Facebook Group

Extensive list of Powershell Twitterers

Friday, 18 March 2011

Get-Scripting Podcast Episode 22 - Travis Jones (PowerShell Deep Dive Conference)

This is Episode 22 of the Get-Scripting podcast. Tune in to listen to us talk and interview people about PowerShell.

Download it here, subscribe in iTunes or via a different feed reader.



EMC PowerShell Cmdlets

PowerCLI Freebies


Simple-Talk Article on Modules


Travis Jones - PowerShell Team Blog

PowerShell Deep Dive Conference

Four more reasons to come to the PowerShell Deep Dive

More Deep Dive Info

PowerShell Resources:

WMI Query Language via PowerShell eBook

PowerGUI Add-Ons

- Script Editor Essentials

- Create your own colour theme

Say Goodbye to Vesi

PowerShell News:

UK PowerCamps with Thomas Lee

- London
- York

Scripting Games - April 4 - 15th

- All links on one page

UK PowerShell User Group

- Regular Expressions with Tome Tanasovski

PowerShell Tips:

Speed up the reading of large text files

Getting registry last write time with PowerShell

Get-Variable Definition

Remoting tip

PS> Invoke-Command –computer XXX { Get-foo |Select-Object a,b,c}

Does the filtering on the remote computer and only transfers the properties you ask for:

PS> Invoke-Command –computer XXX { Get-foo } |Select-Object a,b,c

Returns ALL the properties and filters them locally.


Prize Giveaway - Just write a review


Send us feedback at

get [dash] scripting [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk

or leave a comment here on the blog

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Extensive list of Powershell Twitterers

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Prize Giveaway - just write a review!

As mentioned in Episode 21, we are having a prize giveaway of some swag we collected whilst at VMworld. The prizes are:
  • Official VMworld Rucksack and goodies
  • Trainsignal DVDs
  • Limited Edition Get-Scripting VMworld T-Shirts
  • VMware Stickers
  • Limited Edition PowerCLI Poster

All you need to do is write a review of the podcast and send us a link to where you have posted it. It could be on iTunes , another podcast review site or your own blog. Leave a comment on this page, send us an email at get [dash] scripting [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk or contact us via Twitter.

Closing date is 1st March 2011 when we will randomly pick some winners.

Here's our good friend Stu McHugh stylishly modelling one of the T-Shirts!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Get-Scripting Podcast Episode 21 - (Richard Siddaway - PowerShell MVP)

This is Episode 21 of the Get-Scripting podcast. Tune in to listen to us talk and interview people about PowerShell.

Download it here, subscribe in iTunes or via a different feed reader.



Clintons Kitson vCenter Plugin Walkthrough

Dutch VMUG Presentation


Citrix Monitoring Script


Richard Siddaway - Blog

PowerShell in Practice

PowerShell and WMI

PowerShell Resources:

Dell Equalogic PowerShell Quick Reference Guide

Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches

PowerShell Tips:

Comparing Installed Hotfixes on a 2 Node Cluster


Send us feedback at

get [dash] scripting [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk

or leave a comment here on the blog

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